"The lesson [Henry David Thoreau] had taught himself, and which he tried to teach others, was summed up in the one word 'Simplify.' That meant simplify the outward circumstances of your life, simplify your needs and your ambitions; learn to delight in the simple pleasures which the world of Nature affords. It meant also, scorn public opinion, refuse to accept the common definitions of success, refuse to be moved by the judgment of others. And unlike most who advocate such attitudes, he put them into practice." (Walden and Other Writings by Henry David Thoreau--Edited and with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch, Bantam Books, 1962, P. 1)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Open for Comments

I have bravely restored my comments box. Please bravely say hello.

(Thank you to this photographer for the image of the open gate.)


Emily A. said...

Don't worry mom. If anybody gives you grief Chris can hunt them down and destroy their computer.

Judie and George said...

I am glad your gate is open! I don't seem to have the capacity to write a planned epistle, like doing e-mail. I love this format because I can write a little note about something that comes to mind. I love the sharing and the feeling of having a connection with real people. I think it is my lifeline with the outside world. The longer I am home, the less comfortable I am being gone. I know it doesn't make sense because I need to get out sometimes. Cori has been here for three weeks, and George stayed home for a couple of days. We went to J. C. Penney, Vancouver to visit Elizabeth Widing VanGieson, and George took me to Sam's Club. I felt like a normal person! She goes home on Sunday. Anyway, I love you and I am just glad your gate is open. Love the photo! A picture truly is worth a thousand words.

Kelli said...


Kaferine said...