"The lesson [Henry David Thoreau] had taught himself, and which he tried to teach others, was summed up in the one word 'Simplify.' That meant simplify the outward circumstances of your life, simplify your needs and your ambitions; learn to delight in the simple pleasures which the world of Nature affords. It meant also, scorn public opinion, refuse to accept the common definitions of success, refuse to be moved by the judgment of others. And unlike most who advocate such attitudes, he put them into practice." (Walden and Other Writings by Henry David Thoreau--Edited and with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch, Bantam Books, 1962, P. 1)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Helpful Practices and Things

I am beginning to feel better, and I am cautiously optimistic that depression may be lifting. I have learned that I need to keep my life very simple and infused with goodness. Here are some of my helpful practices and things:

Immersing myself in beauty, from such things as lovely fabrics, quilts, good writing, and nature.
Grocery shopping with a list to lessen decision-making in a stressful environment.
Doing necessary local shopping at small, familiar stores during off hours.
Letting the phone take messages instead of answering every call.
Staying in contact with friends through email.
Visiting with family.
Online shopping.
One-dish meals.
Old movies.