"The lesson [Henry David Thoreau] had taught himself, and which he tried to teach others, was summed up in the one word 'Simplify.' That meant simplify the outward circumstances of your life, simplify your needs and your ambitions; learn to delight in the simple pleasures which the world of Nature affords. It meant also, scorn public opinion, refuse to accept the common definitions of success, refuse to be moved by the judgment of others. And unlike most who advocate such attitudes, he put them into practice." (Walden and Other Writings by Henry David Thoreau--Edited and with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch, Bantam Books, 1962, P. 1)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Am Not Alone

Below is a scripture to which I have been led again and again. It brings comfort to me as I recognize that, due to the inabilities of some to trust and understand me, and due to my own need for isolation at this time, I am like one upon an isle of the sea. And yet, being upon an isle of the sea does not mean that I am cast off. The Lord has brought me to where I am for His purposes and, because I choose Him, He reaches me and will raise me up, even from this place unknown to others. It also reminds me that I am not the only one who faces such challenges, for it speaks to each of us who find ourselves on "the isles of the sea," a great community of brothers and sisters unknown to one another, but connected through the common awareness of the Lord.

From 2 Nephi 10:
20 And now, my beloved brethren, seeing that our merciful God has given us so great knowledge concerning these things, let us remember him, and lay aside our sins, and not hang down our heads, for we are not cast off; nevertheless, we have been adriven out of the land of our inheritance; but we have been led to a bbetter land, for the Lord has made the sea our cpath, and we are upon an disle of the sea.
21 But great are the promises of the Lord unto them who are upon the aisles of the sea; wherefore as it says isles, there must needs be more than this, and they are inhabited also by our brethren.
22 For behold, the Lord God has aled away from time to time from the house of Israel, according to his will and pleasure. And now behold, the Lord remembereth all them who have been broken off, wherefore he remembereth us also.
23 Therefore, acheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are bfree to cact for yourselves—to dchoose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.
24 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, areconcile yourselves to the bwill of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the cgrace of God that ye are dsaved.
25 Wherefore, may God araise you from death by the power of the resurrection, and also from everlasting death by the power of the batonement, that ye may be received into the ceternal kingdom of God, that ye may praise him through grace divine. Amen.

Another Book of Mormon passage which brings me solace is this one from Mosiah, chapter 24:
14 And I will also ease the aburdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as bwitnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their cafflictions.
15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did astrengthen them that they could bear up their bburdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with cpatience to all the will of the Lord.

There is a time to fight, and there is a time to submit. I feel the Lord has brought me to where I am for His wise purposes and that He will deliver me, but it will be in His own time. I feel peace as I submit as cheerfully as I am able.

(My thanks to this photographer for the picture above.)