"The lesson [Henry David Thoreau] had taught himself, and which he tried to teach others, was summed up in the one word 'Simplify.' That meant simplify the outward circumstances of your life, simplify your needs and your ambitions; learn to delight in the simple pleasures which the world of Nature affords. It meant also, scorn public opinion, refuse to accept the common definitions of success, refuse to be moved by the judgment of others. And unlike most who advocate such attitudes, he put them into practice." (Walden and Other Writings by Henry David Thoreau--Edited and with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch, Bantam Books, 1962, P. 1)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Scrappy Vintage Quilt

Here is my latest accomplishment. I am unabashedly in love with it. I appreciate so much the beautiful fabrics available to me. (Thank you Nokiomi, for your contributions.)


ann.rachel said...

I love all of your quilts!! You're so talented and creative with them!

Judie and George said...

I love this kind. When I was a girl my grandma made crochet rugs out of fabric strips. They were made out of old clothes, and you could look at a rug and see things you used to wear. I loved it. One of my favorite quilts was made out of old flannel pajama scraps from pj's I made the girls when they were little. Well, I am sorry to report that my boys took it into the woods to make a fort and left it there . . . until spring. It ws ruined and I was so sad. There were so many memorie in that little flannel quilt.
Thanks for telling me about Emily's birthday. I will never forget since it is Damon's too. It is a special day for us, as Moms, and on different years, we were doing the very same thing. We were bringing those two wonderful kids into the world!

Christia said...

Seriously I wish I could make quilts! I have no patience, not to mention lack the skill of sewing in a straight line! This one is especially nice!